Intuitive Engineering

Thinking Outside the Box

Perception of Value
Planning a new dispatch center
In planning for a new control room, operation center or dispatch center there are many factors to consider. Analyzing your operation to see if there are idiosyncrasies that make it unique from the standard paradigms is important. This is true with the type of workstation design, the space needed to operate and the audio and visual tools necessary to do the job efficiently. Remember, the typical is not always the best when creating an environment that provides ergonomic people space. Paradigms were created around the technical needs of an operation and the people part was not considered as important as the job requirement. Many times the space is dedicated by others who have no stake in your operation; so as a manager, it is important that you put your needs in early so enough space can be allocated for you.

For an example, let’s consider the dispatch environment. The workstation paradigm is a split-level adjustable table system made of two movable surfaces (monitor and keyboards) and metal legs. It provides space for monitors, keyboards and mice and perhaps room for CPUs and radios. This standard was created by those furniture manufacturers who wanted to separate themselves from standard desk manufacturers. And of course with any specialty product, the price is never commensurate with the cost of manufacturing. It does the job but really would you want to sit at a table for eight hours a day, five days a week?

The good designer on the other hand, thinks outside of the box and considers many other factors like appearance, arm’s reach, usable workspace, storage, safe operation, sound suppression and the many creature comfort options available that allow the operator to work comfortably and efficiently in an environment that is more conducive to people. Such is the case with Americon’s Sit-Stand workstations that take all of these factors into consideration.

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